Welcome to PNWU YVIPEC Video Project

A Series of Local Healthcare Provider Interviews Addressing Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Medical Collaboration.

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Sponsored By PNWU YVIPEC

The Yakima Valley Interprofessional Practice & Education Collaborative

The Need for Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare 

Collaboration has become an essential competency in the national and global plan for quality improvement. There is a need to transform a culture of avoidance and isolation that continues to cause medical errors and lower patient outcomes. A necessary strategy is to improve interrelationships and interactions between health care providers (HCP) and their teams in the clinical setting.

IPE History and YVIPEC Video Project Purpose

WHO Study Group


Recognizing the importance of interprofessional education as one of the innovative approaches that can help tackle the global health workforce challenge, the World Health Organization (WHO) convened a WHO Study Group on Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice in 2007 to articulate a greater understanding of this issue within a global context.

Framework for Action


The WHO Study Group engaged various partners and undertook a program of work that culminated in the publication of WHO’s Framework for Action on Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice in March 2010. The Framework highlights the current status of interprofessional collaboration around the world, identifies the mechanisms that shape successful collaborative teamwork, and outlines a series of action items that policymakers can apply within their local health system.



In the fall of 2014, several institutions of higher learning in the Yakima Valley coalesced to form the Yakima Valley Interprofessional Practice and Education Collaborative (YVIPEC). The central goal of the YVIPEC was to encourage healthcare educational programs to provide and advocate for learning across disciplines that enabled students to learn with, from, and about each other’s professions. That goal was expanded to include education in interprofessional engagement among faculty and community health providers. 

PNWU YVIPEC Video Project


To help supplement the interprofessional curriculum at PNWU, a group of student volunteers set out to interview Yakima healthcare team members about their medical scope, team role, and educational journey. The hope is to share this resource with future students to enrich their interprofessional education through personalized stories from role models in the Yakima area.

Who Is This Resource For?

To our intended audience or any viewer whom may gain value from this project.

PNWU Preclinical Medical Students

The YVIPEC video project provides an interactive video resource aimed to supplement pre-clinical PNWU interprofessional education curriculum. Our team of medical students recruited local Yakima and Pacific Northwest healthcare team members to speak about their medical roles, scope of practice and personal stories. The goal is to share clinical pearls and awareness or healthcare team roles prior to clinical rotations and future medical practice.

Read about IPE

Pacific Northwest High School & Undergraduate Students

The YVIPEC video project serves as a resource for local students in Yakima, and the rest of the Pacific Northwest, who hope to learn about different careers in healthcare. The interviews are with home-grown role models who are currently serving the Yakima community. The goal, through sharing their professional journeys, is to inspire interest in medicine and its many disciplines.

Read about Careers in Healthcare

“Health care professionals trained in the Yakima Valley will practice collaboratively to improve health.”

How To Use This Site

Select from the collection of speakers below and explore what they have to say!

This list is not a comprehensive list of healthcare providers as we are actively working to recruit more local speakers with our volunteer team.

If you participate in the healthcare team  in the Pacific Northwest and are interested in speaking to your scope of practice,  role on the team, opportunities for collaboration, and degree requirements then please contact us to schedule an interview.

If you are interested in joining the team as a volunteer please also reach out! We are always looking for individuals enthusiastic about interprofessional education and its purpose in improving patient care through a team based approach.

Contact Us

Video Collection

Click the title to go to the video.
As we are always adding speakers some roles ay not yet have a video yet.

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YVIPEC Video Project Volunteer Team


Akash Sharma


Kirsten Tucker


Dan Breysse


Callie Krewson


Andrew Stull


Trevor Haverkamp


PNWU Faculty Mentors


Dr. Angela Stewart


Executive Director, Yakima Valley Interprofessional Practice and Education Collaborative

Dr. Duane Teerink


Assistant Professor Family Medicine, PNWU


– https://www.who.int/en/
– Scope of Practice decision tree: National Council of State Boards of Nursing, http://www.doh.wa.gov/Portals/1/Documents/Pubs/609305.pdf
– http://app.leg.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=246-828-095
– https://www.bacb.com/about-behavior-analysis/
– http://www.aama-ntl.org/medical-assisting/what-is-a-medical-assistant#.V8UUeVsrLIU
– https://www.dshs.wa.gov/fsa/language-testing-and-certification-program/code-ethics
– http://www.aota.org/About-Occupational-Therapy/Professionals.aspx#sthash.VObaQIAp.dpuf
– https://www.nremt.org/nremt/about/reg_para_history.asp#Responsibilities_of_Certified_Paramedic
– WAC 246-853 & RCW 18.27 for DOs cover what is not ‘Scope of Practice”
– American Academy of Physician Assistants, Professional Issues: PA Scope of Practice, Issue Brief March 2014 aapa.org/news-central/2019/01/pas-now-eligible-licensure-puerto-rico/
– http://www.doh.wa.gov/Portals/1/Documents/Pubs/670125.pdf – – www.apa.org/practice/guidelines/delivery-systems.aspx
– https://www.asrt.org/main/standards-regulations/practice-standards/practice-standards
– American Nurses Association, 2010
– http://www.respiratorytherapistlicense.com/
– LicensureWSSCSW-FAQs_on_Social_Work_Licensure2010-2-101-1. University of Washington School of Social Work
– http://app.leg.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=246-828-105

– https://www.wgu.edu/career-guide/healthcare/hospice-nurse-career.html#close
– https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25815663/
– https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK430685/
Special Thanks to:
– ERIN HEPNER, DNP/MPH/ARNP/FNP-C For the Interprofessional Collaborative Practice V5 09/19/19

YVIPEC Resources


If you have any questions about this project please contact the team lead, Akash Sharma OMS II at asharma@pnwu.edu or at 509 961 6580.